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What You Need To Know About Kenyan Houses

Kenyan houses are of various types and functions. The Kenyan market for real estate is very diverse since it caters to different clients. The design, cost, and amenities of a house are affected by its location. You can check out this article for a more specific outline of the types of residential homes sold in an area like Syokimau. Other popular places for buyers include Westlands in Nairobi and Ruiru in Kiambu. As stated, these homes will differ in terms of characteristics like cost and size because of the particular neighborhood.

What You Need To Know About Kenyan Houses

In Kenya, houses tend to bear certain similarities in terms of construction. That is due to the history of the region, as well as the average climate. The number of homes is also growing due to a steady and continued increase in demand over the years. However, in some areas, the supply has surpassed the demand. Investors in such locations should look out for inflated home costs as sellers look to cash in on their investments. Here are more things to know about houses in Kenya.

  1. Varying costs of housing

In Kenya, houses come at different costs, and there is something for everyone. Large mansions in high-income neighborhoods cost millions of shillings to purchase. We also have modest homes in areas within the Eastlands part of Nairobi. These are much smaller, and they also cost less money. You can also purchase maisonettes in gated estates, which differ in price depending on the location.

2. Different house types

Thanks to a very diverse demographic in the country, there are different types of homes. Each of them is built to suit a particular section of the population. Young, single occupants live in apartments and flats. On the other hand, people with spouses and families look for larger stand-alone homes with space for kids. Then, many retirees build their own homes on larger plots of land in the suburbs of Kenya.

3. Location as an influencing factor

As with most real estate markets, the location of a house in Kenya affects several things. For example, some neighborhoods are safer than others. Places like Westlands and Parklands experience relatively less crime than other parts of Nairobi. Location can also affect the way you use your property. An example is Karen, where land regulations prohibit the construction of apartment buildings.

4. Multiple architectural designs

If you live along the coast, you will encounter houses with different designs than those in other regions. Places like Malindi have homes with Portuguese architecture due to their history. In Mombasa, the architecture is heavily influenced by its Arabic origins. In the capital, the designs are modern and very urban. Then, the construction becomes more traditional in remote regions such as Turkana.

5. Various amenities

Based on the occupants’ lifestyles, houses in Kenya have different amenities. Apartments inside cities have a backup generator used during power outages. They can also have their borehole to ensure that occupants never run out of water. Some houses have all ensuite bedrooms, while others have shared facilities. Modern and furnished homes may come with their appliances, though that increases the cost of the house.

6. Shoddy construction in some areas

The market in Kenya is indeed booming because houses are in high demand. Clients are coming up fast, and developers have had to accelerate projects to ensure they keep up with the growing need. However, this speed has contributed to sketchy housing in recent years. Some developers use low-quality materials, or they do not plan for their projects in the right way. That has resulted in houses collapsing or degenerating within a few months of occupancy.

7. Construction versus buying a home

Regarding houses in Kenya, you can get on the property ladder and own one if you wish. Aspiring homeowners have two options; they can either buy a home or build one themselves. More often than not, buying a home in Kenya is more expensive than building one yourself. This is because property developers are looking to profit from the homes they have constructed so that the price will be higher. Creating your own home is likely to be more affordable since you will only cover the cost of the land plus construction. However, it may prove stressful, primarily if you work with an inexperienced project manager.

8. Property development variations

Anyone looking to construct residential houses in Kenya will have a few things to evaluate. The first one is where the project is set to take place. The location has several effects, aside from costs. Some areas are better for developers because raw materials are locally available. That is true for many places in Machakos County, for example. It is easier to get construction permits in some areas than in others.

Houses in Kenya are diverse in many ways. For instance, they have different architectural designs, many of them influenced heavily by the culture of the people in a particular location. The plan you choose for your next home largely depends on functionality and personal preference. Homes in Kenya also come in many sizes, indoors and in terms of the property they are built on. As such, they have varying prices to suit a variety of buyers and tenants.

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