Home Finance Three steps to bring your finance app to life

Three steps to bring your finance app to life

Let us guess you want to promote financial literacy and help housewives to follow the family budget correctly. Or, perhaps, you’re interested in encouraging people to boost their capital, and one of the most effective ways to do this you see is an innovative investment app. Or, for example, you know how to juggle personal finance skillfully and want to make an app with helpful hints and educational components. Whatever your idea is, it needs to be realized carefully and with a clear understanding of the project specifics. Read also: How advertorial marketing strategy help in promoting a brand online.

Three steps to bring your finance app to life

The Purrweb team is proud of the diversity of the fintech projects that they’ve developed. Portfolio includes such products as mobile banking app and financial market, copy trading platform and other examples of applying the team’s expertise for realization of complex tasks. Do you want to see the results of this work? The finance app development at Purrweb is a way to get your project funded, and what is even more important, to attract many real users to the platform.

Financial app: where and how it can be in demand

Financial app is a digital product that facilitates people’s experience in dealing with money. Regarding its purposes, features, target audience, the financial app can specialize in different aspects of the domain.

Since 73% smartphone owners manage their money through apps, the idea to create an app that lets them count and juggle finances effortlessly feels rewarding. Finance app development is usually determined by the specifics of your project idea.

Budgeting apps are universal as they can serve people regardless of their background. Teachers, real estate agents, entrepreneurs, students…Everyone who knows the ABC of financial literacy is interested in comfortable tools for keeping an eye on spending and rational distribution of money. If you can help people with simple and clear analytics of their financial habits and can offer an actionable solution for changing the harmful ones, you’re at risk to become the founder of a very popular product. How many of us dream about a digital «friend» who’s able to prevent us from overspending or give a worthwhile hint on how to save the budget from inflation.

Researching different facets of people’s problems, you can discover an idea that’s good enough to be embodied in a real product.

Investing apps

Along with analyzing their daily expenses, habits to overspend or forget about payment deadlines, people want to learn how to save their money and even grow savings. The leading role here belongs to investment apps. This type of digital product is focused on opportunities to buy and sell stocks, foreign currency, ETF and other assets. If you’re an expert in this field, you can start finance app development with a meticulously tailored solution for the experienced public. But if your aim is to educate people how to invest properly, keep focus on educational materials and appropriate hints to make the user’s journey in the investment world safe and comfortable.

Full-service banking apps

Finance app development for financial institutions is a must-have. Nowadays, users can’t imagine this kind of service without user-friendly digital products that let them solve an array of tasks remotely and with minimum effort. As a rule, the user expects to have a well organized personal account with such a set of features as budgeting tools, mobile deposits, bill and person to person payments. If you can add to the list something that really improves the user’s experience, you can set a new trend in finance app development.

Peer-to-peer payments app 

This is a well known to almost everyone type of app as it allows users to send and get money from friends and family with no fees or with minimal overpaying for transactions.

But what if you add to sending and getting money some other valuable options? You can  consider convenient budgeting tools or make room for investment. Multifunctional apps are in trend now, so take it into account, planning finance app development.

Your own financial app: three steps

The diversity of information can be frustrating and overwhelming, but in practice there’s a certain way to pave the path straightforward to your goal.

  1. Learn more about the market you’re going to dive in, and articulate the core idea of your financial app. Lifehack: try to find existing solutions that inspire you, and you desire to create something similar but with game changing innovations. Leader’s experience is a reliable basement for building a product that users can enjoy. For example, if you want to build a p2p payment service, you can use CashApp as a reference. And if your goal is to make an amazing budgeting app, you can meticulously examine Mint as one of the most popular products in the thematic business area.
  2. When you have a clear vision of what you dream to get in the result of finance app development, you can invite a finance app development agency to start UI and UX design services. So, your vision will get tangible features, and you’ll be able to assess how the app looks and whether it’s comfortable enough for visitors. Testing and getting real feedback empowers you to add some critical changings that play an essential role in the app’s attractiveness.
  3. As the previous step resulted in a clickable prototype, now it’s time to drive the idea home thoroughly. That means: if you’re absolutely satisfied with the «appearance» of your app and its information architecture, entrust developers to «alive» the prototype with a full-fledged functionality. If your project looks very complex and multi featured, try to start with an MVP. It makes even a big and costly product affordable as it helps prioritize features and allows attracting investment during the development process.

Let’s discuss which features are game changing for successful finance app development.

  1. User experience that inspires people and motivates them to keep in touch with your product is a thing that truly deserves investing your time/efforts. Entrust the task to organize navigation through the fancy interface to the experienced agency with excellent marks and positive review.
  2. Integration with other services should be smooth and secure in order to enable users to address their bank accounts and other financial tools without any trouble.
  3. Data security is essential to keep audience trust and avoid any problems with legal compliance. Well thought product lets users save their sensitive data in a reliable way. For example, the Purrweb specialists always recommend two-factor authentication as a necessary feature for safe finance app development.

Whatever product you’re planning to realize through finance app development: from budget tracking app to cryptocurrency e-wallet, make sure that you’re dealing with true professionals. This is the only way to tailor the product in accordance with your vision and take care of the future customers, encouraging them to delight in the app.

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