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The Benefits of Automating Your Inbox With CRM

CRM software streamlines the marketing and sales processes, saving time and money. It automates repetitive tasks and facilitates communication between different teams within your organization. CRM is essential for staying in touch with your clients and improving your relationships. At the same time, it helps you boost productivity and shorten the sales cycle. Automation with CRM can be especially beneficial for email management.

Let’s dive in and discover the top eight benefits of automating your inbox with CRM.

The Benefits of Automating Your Inbox With CRM

Make Your Workflow More Efficient

When it comes to email marketing, you want to reach as many people as possible. However, you don’t want to spend all your time sending separate emails to each subscriber. Email automation tools meet your needs by keeping your workflow consistent and straightforward. For instance, you can set up an automated email to be sent to your new customers or send out a simple thank-you email to let them know that their request has been received. In return, you will have more time to focus on other aspects of your email strategy while also ensuring your consumers are happy.

Nurture Leads

Some businesses get their sales team to contact leads immediately before they go cold. However, they may not be ready to be contacted by a salesperson yet. For instance, even if they have downloaded your free ebook, it doesn’t mean they want to talk to the sales team. Emails help you nurture your leads by following up on their interest. Sending out relevant and engaging emails will allow the contact to learn more about your business first and become more receptive when approached by the sales team afterward.

Improve User Experience

If the emails you send aren’t tailored to the recipient, they will be perceived as irrelevant. This may prompt the users to unsubscribe from your list or send the emails straight to the spam folder. When automating your email workflows, you can ensure they’re relevant to the recipient. Automated emails such as welcome emails and birthday emails can also help you improve the user experience, build better relationships, get more click-throughs, and attract new subscribers.

Better Targeting

One of the most effective ways to use automation is to segment email lists based on their behavior patterns, attributes, and other relevant factors. This helps you improve your targeting and boost your email efficiency. Moreover, you can implement advanced workflows like lead scoring to assess interest and purchase potential for leads and follow up with the right message. As a result, you’ll see a higher engagement rate, more conversions, and better customer satisfaction.

Send Personalized Emails

Adding a personal touch to email automation strengthens the bond between a prospect and your company. Other personal information, such as location, company, and more, can also be added to some email workflow systems. When an email is automatically sent in personalized email workflows, personalization tokens use the contact’s information. For example, the email will greet the recipient by their name instead of the generic “Hi, there.”  Adding a human touch to your emails will boost open and click-through rates.

Keep Existing Customers Interested

In addition to attracting new customers, emails can help you nurture existing customers and get them to spend more with your business. Email automation enables you to strengthen retention and build loyalty, thus increasing customer lifetime value. For instance, you can automate feedback requests, trigger re-engagement campaigns, and send exclusive promo offers to high-spending customers.

Detailed Reporting

Automating emails with CRM allows you to see accurate results from marketing campaigns in real-time. Since the software tracks all customer activity, you can access customer records and understand your customers’ behaviors and purchasing patterns. You can then assess how your marketing activities perform and aid your bottom line, as well as detect what works and what doesn’t.

Boost Your Revenue With Transactional Emails

Transactional emails are messages automatically sent to website visitors after they take a specific action. These actions might include a newsletter, an eBook downloading, or completing a purchase. Transactional emails usually offer information that the recipient was expecting to get, such as an estimated shipping date or a link for a free resource download. However, you can also use these messages to encourage them to take a step further, for instance, send an order confirmation email with recommended products or a coupon the shopper can use on their next shopping spree. This marketing automation strategy can generate more revenue and improve your bottom line.

Final Words

These benefits clearly show that email automation increases the reach of your marketing initiatives. You can easily find your audience, engage your customers, send personalized emails, nurture leads, and increase the customer lifetime value while saving precious time and money.

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