Software engineering teams in Poland: all you need to know

Outsourcing software development has become a norm in the industry. After all, if you want to build a product that will be competitive in the industry, you should pick the right destination, and hiring a dedicated development team from Poland might be the right option for you.

Software engineering teams in Poland

But is a dedicated development team Poland your best bet? Well, this article aims to find the answers to the question.

Why outsource software development?

Before you hire dedicated Polish developers, you should know why Poland and the CES region are good options for outsourcing your project development. When you have an in-house software development team, you’ll need to maintain their wages, benefits package, and other perks. In addition, you also need to consider office rent, utilities, and other expenditures related to workers’ presence or matters like health insurance.

Where is Poland located?

Hiring a dedicated software development team in Poland requires you to know where Poland is located. The good news is that the country is in Central Europe and shares a large border with Germany. In fact, many engineering teams in Poland work for German clients, regardless of the industry.

Not only does it share close proximity with Germany and Western Europe, but Poland shares the same time zone, making it a hot destination for outsourcing software development from Western Europe since the working hours of teams will match clients’ times.

Sharing the same time zone as Western Europe means it’s a good idea to outsource your software development projects even if you’re based in Canada or the US since there won’t be such a large time-zone gap that will persist in Asia, for example.

Developer count numbers

What you are about to witness is impressive numbers only. First of all, Poland is one of the largest countries in the region, and the population is more than 38 million people. On top of that, Polish web developers are more than 250,000, a number which tops every other country in the region by a good margin. In fact, every fourth software developer in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE region) is Polish.

Variety of cities

It’s typical for Eastern European countries to have all resources dedicated to the capital city. However, that’s not the case with Poland, as there are many thousands of software developers in Krakow, Wroclaw, Katowice, and Poznan. What does that mean?

  1. Room for growth – if all eggs are in the same basket, the room for growth is small, as you cannot build office spaces as fast as the industry is growing.
  2. Better prices – another significant advantage are the smaller prices. If everything is placed in the same city, office rents will go high, and the living standard will rise significantly, all leading to higher prices. Being competitive is crucial in this industry.
  3. Rich culture – every single city has its charm, so working with teams from different cities will provide you with interesting experiences, which is also part of the partnership journey.


Education is essential for software engineers, as they would need a lot of skills to remember all the new tech stacks coming in day in, day out. As a crucial part of development, education is often a deciding factor when it comes to picking a team and, most importantly: choosing the right team. Fortunately, more than 40% of Polish people hold a university degree, and the Polish education system is ranked at 10th place in the world for best education and 5th in Europe. Being highly educated, and especially in technology, software developers from Poland can do miracles with your subsequent projects.

Language level

Without a doubt, speaking English is mandatory in the industry. For this part of the world (CEE), it’s standard to speak good English. According to EuropeanLanguageJobs, Poland ranks 9th in Europe for best English level, which is admirable. The country surpasses Bulgaria, Romania, The Czech Republic, and other outsourcing software development hubs, traditionally known for their English speakers.

Final words

Hiring a dedicated development team from Poland is a good option for your business, as it ticks all boxes. Higher education, English speaking, and the huge amount of software developers make Polish developers a tasty bite for outsourcing partners.