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Protecting Your Business During Remote Working

Remote and hybrid working has become the new norm as a result of the pandemic and can bring a range of benefits for both the business and employees. While there are many perks to allowing staff to work from home and it should be encouraged, you also need to know how to protect staff particularly in a time where cybercrime has been rife during the pandemic. So, how can you protect your business and staff during remote working?

Protecting Your Business During Remote Working

Security Training

First, you need to use cybersecurity training to reduce the chance of a successful attack. Most cyber-attacks are successful because of staff negligence, human error and social engineering. Cybersecurity training will show staff how to carry out their role safely while working remotely and how to identify advanced cybersecurity scams.

Protect Employee Health

It is not just cybercrime that can be an issue with remote work. People have had to set up their own WFH environment, which may not be as safe, ergonomic and comfortable as the office. This is why you should have employees conduct a risk assessment and provide anything that they need to improve their WFH environment, such as an ergonomic chair. Additionally, it is important that staff are taking a break and getting out of the house – mental health can suffer when people are working remotely particularly those that live alone.

Use Secure Systems

It is also essential that you have secure systems in place for carrying out payments and for internal and external comms. Security systems can make it much harder for hackers to gain access and provide important peace of mind. Online banking solutions can provide secure payment solutions for your company so that you can rest assured knowing that your money is in safe hands.

Increase Communication

You want to avoid communication dropping off when working remotely, so you need to keep in regular contact even if this is just via email. This will help them to stay engaged, prevent them from feeling isolated and also give them the chance to flag up any problems or issues that they are having. You should learn what works best for each staff member and ensure that you are keeping in touch with them while still allowing them to enjoy the perks of remote work.

These are the key ways that you can protect both the business and staff while working remotely. There are many perks to remote and hybrid working and it can help to keep staff happy, but it can also create challenges and vulnerabilities. Cybersecurity is a major and growing issue that needs to be managed, plus you also need to make sure that your staff are able to work happily and safely while at home,

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