Mouse Arm Syndrome Resulted from Online Gambling: Symptoms and Treatments

Hand usage is essential for online gamblers. Sometimes aches can isolate to fingers, or in another case, they can extend to the wrist and then forearm. Though hand pain and arm aches initially don’t seem like a big deal, later points can make a difference in overall health. Too much online gambling can even result in mouse arm syndrome in gamblers.

Mouse Arm Syndrome Resulted from Online Gambling: Symptoms and Treatments

Hands are made of a complex structure that includes muscles, joints, and tendons. When these parts work together in harmony, they can easily facilitate the transfer of energy to the hand and palm. This results in easy bending and stretching of the hand.

Overusing a mouse or computer for prolonged periods results in tendons and connective tissue overload. When there is a heavy load on tendons and connective tissues, gamblers experience discomfort and pain in their hand. These micro-traumas accumulate over time and lead to tendons and certain muscle degeneration. This is called Mouse Arm Syndrome. In some chronic cases, gamblers may experience irreversible damage or severe complications. It is possible to prevent long-term damage and facilitate speedy recovery through early diagnosis and treatment.

Mouse Arm Syndrome: Causes

 Here are three major causes behind mouse arm syndrome:

Lack of ergonomics: Online gamblers do not think about ergonomics, resulting in repetitive strain injuries. Common stressors are uncomfortable tables, the mouse, and chairs. Poor usage of equipment like chairs, desks, and tables, along with mediocre quality mouse pads, leads to overstressing hand muscles.

Micro-traumas: small injuries in connective tissues and tendons of hands are called micro traumas. Micro-traumas are results of unhealthy repetitious movements and proprioception of hands. Online gamblers spend a lot of time using computers and the mouse and overstress their hands. Through overstressing, micro-traumas accumulate over time, leading to mouse arm syndrome.

Accidental trauma: accidental injuries can also damage online gamblers’ connective tissues and tendons.

Mouse Arm Syndrome: Symptoms

When online gamblers experience pain in the forearm, shoulder, wrists, and hand while they are working, it could be the symptoms of the mouse arm. Mouse arm is also described as repetitive strain injury, known as RSI. It is possible to diagnose and treat mouse arms at an early stage and avoid severe or permanent damage. Most importantly, online gamblers should immediately observe the wrist or hand pain and consult physical therapists.

Here is a list of symptoms observed in mouse arm syndrome:

  • One of the common symptoms observed in online gamblers suffering from mouse arm syndrome is maximized muscle tension in the hands
  • Increased muscle tension causes stiffness, and that results in severe pain in the hands
  • Pain will be severe when a person tries to undertake an activity using a hand
  • Along with pain, there will be a tingling sensation in hand, especially when the hand is overloaded with stress. In some cases, the patient may experience stiffness and swelling as well
  • Mouse arm syndrome can also result in decreased supply of nutrients and oxygen to the cells. When the muscles are not supplied with enough nutrients and oxygen, they suffer from increased localized swelling and weakness
  • In severe conditions, mouse arm syndrome results in certification as well. Overtime patient experiences phantom pain in his hand persistently
  • Mouse arm syndrome results in restricted mobility and significant discomfort

Mouse Arm Syndrome: Diagnosis

 Online gamblers with mouse arm syndrome symptoms should consult a physiotherapist you can find Canadian clinics and contact info here. The medical professional performs a thorough physical examination of the elbow and asks for complete patient history. He will provide critical information progression of the condition and critical information along with the risk factors associated. A physiotherapist may also recommend ultrasound or X-rays for more information about the joint’s condition of muscles, bones, and tendons.

Mouse Arm Syndrome: Treatment Plan

As a first step, it is important to provide a large amount of stabilization and support to the joint, which can control damage to the hand. Most importantly, early intervention is the essential course of action that prevents permanent nerve damage and degeneration.

Take Breaks: It is particularly important to give breaks to muscles and tenons. Online gamblers should take a 2-3 day break completely in the long term. Forty-five minutes of timer setting on the phone can help remind online gamblers to take breaks in the middle.

Redesign your gambling space: Online gamblers should take the right measures when it comes to redesigning the gambling space. Adjustable and comfortable chairs and tables are the best things to begin designing.

Mouse Armrest: Usage of mouse and computer are essential for online gamblers; hence they must use a proper sized and comfortable mouse along with the best quality mousepad. These can reduce and avoid the risk of mouse arm syndrome significantly. You can also use a ergonomic mouse, you can see some here.

The best Canadian online casinos have slots that can be set to auto-play. That way, you don’t need to use your hand as often. It will not affect how much you win by playing Auto, so the is no reason not to use it. However, if you want tips on how to win more when playing online slots, you can read more here.

 Medical Wrist Brace:

Splints or medical wrist braces are the best choices to reduce patient discomfort and pain since they help relieve joints.


Through a medical brace, patients can try immobilizing the forearm temporarily. It is a highly effective and proven solution to manage symptoms of mouse arm syndrome. The same also helps the wrist to heal and rest quicker.


Medical professionals also prescribe painkillers for mouse arm syndrome, which help reduce discomfort and alleviate pain in patients. But patients should understand that painkillers only mask pain and don’t help address the condition. When used, long-term painkillers can be counterproductive and cause negative effects.

Occupational Therapy:

Muscle training through regular occupational therapy is a proven and highly effective treatment path. Reorganization of muscles can be achieved through physiotherapy exercises. Both occupational and physiotherapy are the most effective options for curbing the disease. Long-term degeneration is addressed by encouraging strengthening and healthy proprioception of the muscles. For effective joint functioning and maintaining mobility, the patient can also rely on regular targeted exercises.


This guide helps online gamblers, gamers, or regular computer users who have a mouse arm ailment and others who wish to prevent it. Over 35 percent of computer users suffer from either mouse arm syndrome or another type of hand injury at one point. It is essential to pay attention when gamblers or gamers start experiencing beginning symptoms of mouse arms and consult a physical therapist as soon as possible. Along with the right treatment, gamblers should also redesign their online gambling space and include comfortable equipment like a table, chair, mouse, and mousepad.

Though computer users or gamers also experience mouse arm syndrome, it is becoming common among online gamblers in recent years. At any point, if an online gambler experiences a sustained wrist injury, it is time to make an appointment with a medical professional. Physical therapists help in problem assessment, identify the issues, and provide appropriate treatment. Online gamblers must owe themselves to take care of their hand pain and overall health.