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A Guide To Middle Mile Delivery and How This Shipping Strategy of the 3pl Industry Benefits Your Business

New opportunities arise with each passing day. Similar is the case with the supply chain and how drastically it has changed over the past years. Innovations have come about in the supply chain, from how raw materials are sourced to how the industry executes the deliveries.

These innovations have given rise to the middle mile system. If you are wondering about middle-mile delivery, then you are not alone. Continue reading to learn more about it.

A Guide To Middle Mile Delivery and How This Shipping Strategy of the 3pl Industry Benefits Your Business

What is middle mile delivery?

Middle mile delivery consists of distributing goods from the warehouse that stores the goods from the supplier or production center to the fulfillment facilities like retail stores where customers will purchase the goods.

This opens up a cost-effective way that was not available previously with last-mile delivery. So let’s look at the difference between them and how middle mile delivery can benefit your business.

What is the difference between the middle mile and last-mile delivery?

Last-mile delivery is the delivery of goods from fulfillment facilities to the retail store or consumers. In contrast to this, the Middle mile delivery delivers goods from warehouses or production centers to the fulfillment facilities where the customers purchase the goods.

Middle-mile logistics utilizes automated algorithms that match goods with the trucking drivers’ schedule, ability, and location, thus connecting the shippers with the drivers. This system offers various benefits.

Benefits of middle mile delivery

Allows cost saving

Middle-mile delivery offers cost-saving opportunities that the last-mile delivery system did not offer. With this strategy, you have better control over the warehouse or production center and also the fulfillment facilities. So it allows you to be in control of everything, avoid inefficiencies and thus make savings.

Enables quick adaptation to changes

When businesses adopt their middle mile strategy, it enables them to adjust to changes more rapidly than before. Since the margin for errors is low, the performance and productivity between partners and companies increase. It also allows them to better handle the first mile and thus adjust to changes easily.

Gives a competitive advantage

In order to stay ahead of the competition and offer competitive pricing with healthy margins, various businesses are improving their supply chains. The cost-saving opportunities offered by middle mile delivery enable companies to offer goods at lower prices than their competition without having to lower their profits.

Need more efficient service with middle mile delivery?

Then go for on-demand service providers that add more flexibility and efficiency to the middle mile system. On-demand service providers have a network of cargo and truck owners who can be mobilized when needed.

This allows for quicker distributions of goods and thus more enhanced efficiency in comparison to traditional service.  Moreover, as compared to traditional delivery services, on-demand service providers have a large network that includes hauling vehicles for single pallets, LTL delivery, or other such deliveries. This, in turn, gives an advantage in terms of cost over the competition in the market.

The bottom line

Now that you know better about middle mile delivery and the benefits it offers to your business, you need to adopt this strategy as soon as possible for better results. In order to do so, you need to consider much more than the freight rates. You need to optimize your logistics in order to make savings and increase your chances of success.

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