Lip Fillers Can Bring The Smile Back To Your Face

No one can stop the aging process, but that does not mean you can’t slow it down. As you get older, your face naturally loses its suppleness. Your lips lose volume and tone. To combat that, you can use lip fillers to restore fullness to your lips. Your lips can get back their naturally plump appearance and give you back that smile again. Visit Azure Medical for your medical, health and wellness needs.


Where Do Those Wrinkles Come From?

Wrinkles seem to creep up on us over time. When you were in your 20’s, your skin was smooth and bright. As you went through the demands of life year after year, your skin started to take its toll. Your skin responded to every facial expression you made, and wrinkles started to set in little by little. These are first noticeable around your mouth, on your forehead and between your eyebrows because these facial muscles respond in kind when you are under stress. This adds to your skin’s natural aging process as the production of collagen decreases and your skin loses elasticity. Your skin becomes looser, and folds and wrinkles develop. Despite this aging process, you do not have to give in. You can take action to fight those wrinkles and reclaim that youthful look that you once enjoyed.

How Do Lip Fillers Work?

You may have heard about lip fillers, but you may not know about all the different types and how they work. This guide will answer some of the questions that you might have. After you read this, you will be able to make an informed decision on how you can get back those plump and luscious lips.

A Procedure That Is Fast, Easy, and Painless

A lip filling procedure only takes about 20 minutes. Your lips are first anesthetized. Then, an ultra-delicate needle is used to inject the filler. You will not feel pain at all. After the procedure, your lips might tingle like pinpricks for several hours, but you will not feel pain.

Results Look Natural

Lip fillers are not really considered cosmetic surgery because your natural features are not being altered or recreated. Lip fillers merely enhance what you naturally have. They will help your lips get back their natural shape and contours, like what you had in your younger self.

Filler Is Not Synthetic

Hyaluronic acid is the ingredient in lip fillers. This is a natural substance that is found in your skin. Young skin is rich in hyaluronic acid, which is why young skin looks full and smooth. As you get older, the amount of hyaluronic acid decreases, causing your skin to lose its tone. When your skin sags, creases and lines form. When you replenish your skin with hyaluronic acid, you plump up your skin and make it look smooth again.

Repeat Treatments Produce Long-Lasting Results

One treatment with lip fillers will last about six months. When you repeat treatments, each treatment can last longer.

Can I Get An Idea Of What My Lips Will Look Like With Fillers?

If you are curious about how your lips will look after fillers, you can simulate the effect by rolling out your lips with your fingers. This produces a close estimate of how your lips will look with additional volume from fillers.

After Treatment, How Will I Feel The Next Day?

Any procedure that involves injectables may result in temporary redness in the site of the injection. This should only last about an hour. There also might be a risk of bruising. There is also a possibility of swelling that might last from two days to a week. In order to reduce these risks, during the first day after treatment, you should not take any anti-inflammatory medicines, omega-3 supplements, or consume alcohol.

Change That Frown Into A Smile!

As you age, the area around your mouth loses tone and can pull down your lips. Not only will this make you look old, but it will make you appear sad all the time. When you inject the corners of your mouth with fillers, you can lift up that frown and make you look young and happy again.