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Important Advice When Using Vaping to Quit Smoking

At this point, saying smoking is harmful to our health is so trite you’re probably rolling your eyes at the statement. But it doesn’t rule out the fact that a fair chunk of the world’s population are still smokers.

Important Advice When Using Vaping to Quit Smoking

Not that many are content with the situation; they just find it difficult to kick the habit. And they want to turn the situation around. Some because they are just fed up with the habit. Others because smoking gets in the way of their daily life with cravings that need to be satisfied, but it’s increasingly becoming more challenging to in public. For most, what they want is to simply reclaim their health.

For all the quitting aids available to smokers, vaping has been found to be the most reliable method compared to other forms of nicotine replacement therapy. That means if you have reached the inflection point and are considering quitting smoking for good, there are fewer better ways to do it than by taking up vaping.

Before making that transition from smoking, however, there are a few things worth knowing that can up your chances of dropping cigarettes for good. Because the choices you make when you switch to vapes can be the difference between sticking with it and falling off the wagon.

  1. Find the right e-liquid flavour

Vape juice flavours are a central part of vaping. While the rich array of options available means there can be no dull day, this abundance also means finding a good match for can be a little daunting.

Finding the right flavour needs patience. Often times, it’s a trial-and-error affair that could involve trying out 5 to 15 options before establishing an ideal one. You could strike it lucky at first try, but conversely, you might also find yourself running through flavour after flavour before unearthing the right one.

As a general rule, we often recommend starting with a tobacco flavour if you’re transitioning from smoking. That makes the adaptation easier than jumping straight into a dessert or fruit flavour which might increase your chances of reverting to cigarettes.

Similarly, when you start exploring the flavours, it’s better to start with the familiar and then work your way outward. If you love cherries or banana, start with a juice that uses cherry or banana as a base.

  1. Remember all flavours are not equal

Still on the topic of flavours, it’s important to keep in mind that the world of e-liquids is as vast as they come.

For one, individual flavours come in different variations. For example, Tobacco flavour might be available in the form of Virginia tobacco, Burley tobacco, RY4 tobacco and so on. Therefore, before picking up the first tobacco flavour you come across, take note of the subtleties. One might not work for you, but a different variation could do the job.

That’s not forgetting that flavours also come in various blends. For example, Menthol could be available as a Classic menthol or as a menthol blend – Raspberry Menthol, Blackcurrant Ice, or Mentholyptus (blend of menthol and eucalyptus), etc. etc.

More than that, it’s also worth noting that flavours from different brands do not taste the same. This is where quality and mixology come into the picture.

For instance, an Apple or Mango e-liquid from “Brand A” will likely taste different from an Apple or Mango e-liquid from “Brand B”. Therefore, if you find flavours from a certain company are not sitting well with you, you can always try products from a different brand.

Just make sure you’re purchasing from who are licensed and come with a good reputation.

  1. Establish an ideal nicotine level

As with picking the right flavour, nicotine strength can make or break your success rate when switching to vaping.

E-liquids come in different nicotine variations that range from 0mg with the maximum depending on the region you’re in. In the UK and EU, for instance, the maximum nicotine allowed in freebase e-liquids is 18mg.

Choosing your nicotine strength based on how heavy of a smoker you were. If you were a light smoker who did with 5 cigarettes a day, try starting with a 6mg nicotine range. If you feel it’s too much, go one step down and try a 3mg content. Likewise, heavy smokers (a pack or two a day) can start with a nicotine strength of 12mg. If it doesn’t provide the satisfaction you seek, upgrade to an 18mg strength.

If you still don’t find anything that suits your preferences or they all feel underwhelming, consider giving nicotine salts a go. Nic salts are the closest thing to a regular cigarette available, basically offering the same satisfaction as a cigarette; only this time, there are no smoking-related chemicals to worry about.

  1. A good kit can mean make or break

This should have probably been the first point, but no matter…Finding the right e-cig device is absolutely crucial in your quitting journey.

Just because you were a heavy smoker does not mean you should go with the most powerful device. Vaping doesn’t work like that. There are nuances to it.

In fact, chances are the smallest device (by this we mean a pod device) might be a more ideal fit for a heavy smoker, assuming the pod kit is paired with nicotine salts. By that same token, a medium-sized device such as a vape pen might suit lighter smokers better, assuming this device is paired with a regular juice (50/50 e-liquid).

A powerful device can ruin the experience for you, and equally, a weak device can make for an underwhelming vape.

A good place to start shopping when switching from cigarettes to vapes is to consider vape starter kits designed for first time vapers (avoid mods and sub-ohm devices for now). The best thing about starter kits is they make shopping for a good device easier since they bundle everything that you need to get started together.


While it might feel challenging at first, be patient with yourself when you make the switch from cigarettes to vaping. It’s a big change you are making, especially if you have been smoking for several years; decades maybe.

By making the right choices, however, it’s only a matter of time until you adapt to vaping and give up smoking for good. The above tips are a great starting point.

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