How to Drastically Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy in 6 Steps

Over 91% of B2B marketers use content marketing to grow their customers, while 86% of B2C customers think content marketing is crucial to growing a business.

Content marketing is the key inbound marketing strategy to achieve your goals as a business.

How to Drastically Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy in 6 Steps

However, one of the biggest challenges of marketers and business owners is creating effective content marketing strategies that drive results.

If you are among the 64% of marketers or business owners who want to improve their content marketing strategy, you are in the right place.

This article will guide you through six important content marketing strategies you can use to drastically improve your content marketing efforts to get expected results.

Let’s take a look.

6 Proven tactics to enhance your content marketing strategy

6 Proven tactics to enhance your content marketing strategy

To create a strategy that meets your customers’ evolving needs, you need to be open to making improvements to enhance its effectiveness. Below, we discuss the top six content marketing trends that will greatly improve your content marketing strategy.

1.      Set goals

The first step to creating a successful content marketing strategy is to set clear goals. This step is highly fundamental to achieving the best outcome with your content marketing strategy.

For example, a recent survey shows that marketers who set goals are 376% more likely to experience growth than marketers who don’t.

Setting specific goals gives your content marketing a direction. It helps you direct your efforts to fit into the bigger picture to attain your goals faster.

For example, if the goal of your content marketing strategy is to generate more leads. Then, you can know the marketing activities to put together to help you achieve that. And you can work towards it with an enhanced focus.

Another critical benefit of setting goals is to enable you to track your progress in due time. If you don’t set a target, there’s no way you will be able to discover if your efforts are going down the drain or working to bring expected outcomes.

So, figure out your goals and document them into your content marketing strategy to get a sense of direction and measure your progress in the long run.

2.      Conduct research

Conduct research

One major reason marketers and business owners create content that falls on deaf ears is because they didn’t do the background work before creating content.

Conducting research is the basics of any successful research. Without it, your content strategy won’t bring results for you.

There are two types of research: audience and keyword research.

Audience research involves getting to know who your ideal customer is; identifying their needs, challenges, and problems, so you can know how to come through for them with your content.

Keyword research, on the other hand, ensures your ideal audience locates your content easily. This means discovering the keywords they use most so you can develop your content around these keywords.

By conducting in-depth research using tools like SEMrush on your audience and the keywords they use, you set yourself on the right track.

As a result, every content you create will be meeting the needs of your target audience. It will also ensure that the ideal readers find your content to achieve the best results with your content marketing strategy.

3.      Incorporate videos

Incorporate videos

Videos are powerful to help you connect and engage with your audience in the best way possible.

They are bite-sized, and compelling which makes them one of the most effective ways to captivate and keep your audience engaged with your brand.

The average users’ attention span is shorter than the attention span of a goldfish. But videos help you hook your viewers’ attention and sustain your readers’ interest till they consume your content from start to finish.

So if you are trying to get your audience to consume more of your content, then incorporating videos is the way to go.

If you offer a product that has a complex user onboarding process, you can use videos to explain the products in digestible bits that make it easier for your audience to understand.

However, when incorporating video content, create different types of videos to add spice to your video marketing.

Post User-Generated Content (UGC), create long and short videos, demos, and more. By creating a mix of lengths and types, you will take your video marketing to a whole new level. Additionally, it’s important to use some optimization strategies to improve the accessibility of your videos. For instance, video transcription has proven to be a highly effective method of video optimization, increasing the searchability of your videos.

4.      Transcribe your content

Transcribe your content

A crucial strategy many marketers and business owners neglect in their content marketing strategy is transcription.

It is a major reason many marketers don’t receive the amount of readership and views they need to improve their sales.

This is because while videos and text-based content are good, they don’t include everyone based on preference, language, and hearing impairments.

So, if you create audio without converting to text or create your video content without subtitles, you are excluding a huge number of people from consuming and engaging with your content.

Fortunately, a functional transcription software like Happy Scribe’s online transcription can help you convert your audio and video into several languages of your audience preference.

You can also include subtitles to your videos to satisfy over 80% of consumers who prefer to watch videos with subtitles to videos without subtitles.

Transcribing your content also improves your SEO. They help convert your audio and text, which makes your content searchable. When your audience searches for the keywords in your text, Google displays your content for your audience to find easily.

5.      Develop your email marketing strategy

Develop your email marketing strategy

Email marketing is an integral part of your content marketing strategy. It is what 64% of small businesses use to reach customers. It also generates $42 for every dollar spent, which is a 4,200% ROI.

It is an excellent approach to nurture relationships with people who already show an active interest in your brand. So, it’s a faster and easier way to convert them into loyal subscribers of your businesses.

Also, email marketing is highly personalized, which makes it more engaging and effective to produce content that is customized to meet your unique customers’ needs.

It is easy to track your progress and share your content across several social channels with email marketing. It helps small businesses to grow a community that supports and generates a consistent flow of revenue.

Flodesk’s email marketing for small businesses  guide is a useful resource to learn more about making the most of email marketing for your small business.

6.      Repurpose old content

Repurposing your content helps you save time, increase your content reach and maximize your ROI.

Taking a break from creating new content and examining the old content to repurpose is an effective way to grow your content marketing strategy.

When you repurpose old content, you can refresh your audience’s memory and help them re-learn a topic they’ve consumed before.

Repurposing your content into different formats enables you to reach different categories of people and expand your content visibility to reach more people.

For example, repurposing a podcast into a blog can help readers who visit your blogs (but don’t listen to your podcast) consume the content.

The ability to place your content in different categories makes repurposing crucial to your content marketing strategy because the more people get to view your content, the higher your chance of acquiring more customers.

Benefits of valuable content marketing strategy

Benefits of valuable content marketing strategy

Building an excellent content marketing strategy offers tons of benefits for your users. Below, we discuss some of the ways a valuable content marketing strategy helps grow your business.

1.      It helps your audience stick around

When you provide value to your audience through a useful content marketing strategy, your audience will want to stick around to keep enjoying the value you provide.

The more they stay around, the more they consume your content, and the higher the chance of turning them into customers.

2.      It increases your conversion rate

When your audience keeps consuming and engaging with your content, they grow to like and trust you. The positive feeling they have with your brand makes it easier for them to connect with you and become active customers.

3.      It increases your visibility

Useful and engaging content drives traffic to your brand. With an effective SEO strategy, your content gets easily noticed by your audience, so they visit your website to read and engage with your content.

The visibility doesn’t stop on your website; it also drives traffic on your social media channels.

Your audience will engage with your posts and also share your posts across other pages and platforms to create more awareness and increase your traction on social media.


A valuable content marketing strategy helps increase your exposure, build credibility and increase your sales.

In this article, we discuss six proven techniques to supercharge your content marketing strategy to get the best outcome from your content marketing efforts.

These techniques include setting goals, conducting research, repurposing old content, investing in email marketing, transcribing your content, and creating video content.

By using these tips to improve your content marketing strategy, you can get the most of your content marketing efforts.