Digital Adoption – The Essential Guide to Digital Transformation

One of the major causes for digital transformation failure has often been attributed to poor user adoption. Consequently, the total cost of ownership of enterprise software goes up, and low adoption rates negatively affect the ROI from the software, making it a double whammy.

The Role of Digital Adoption Platforms

Organizations spend heavily on classroom training, video-based training, and user manuals only to find that many users do not regularly use digital tools to the desired degree. The ability to successfully implement a digital change depends on how well the users adopt the technology.

Digital Adoption Platforms (DAPs) are now being leveraged to ensure successful digital transformation and increase ROI on software investments. (DAP) is software that integrates completely with enterprise applications to help users in learning the application.

The digital adoption platforms are equipped with walk-throughs, videos, self-help menus, and various other means to guide the user through every aspect of the application and offer step-by-step instructions to help them complete specific tasks.

The following sections elucidate the importance of DAPs in digital transformation.

 The Role of Digital Adoption Platforms

The primary role of DAPs is to hasten and increase digital adoption by helping users quickly learn to use new technology. Digital Adoption Platforms (DAPs) are designed to facilitate seamless software learning by simplifying the user experience and ensuring proficiency on any software platform, website, or app.

Benefits of Implementing a Digital Adoption Platform

DAPs help users get the most out of their software by providing them with answers to their queries inside the application or guided navigation through each & every step of the workflow at the very moment they need it. Such real-time and seamless access to assistance ensures that users learn in the flow of work, making it easy for them to learn at their pace.

DAPs are equipped with walk-throughs, articles, GIFs, PPTs and videos directly relevant to the user’s role and wherever they are in the application. This relieves users from having to skim through unrelated sections of the knowledge base to find help and makes it easier for them to access all learning resources inside the application while providing the flexibility to learn from the aid of their choice.

Implementing DAP within the organization streamlines user onboarding and training for the new technology. With the facility to create task lists and microlearning plans, DAP helps to keep users on track and ensure that they effectively learn the essential features of the technology.

Using a DAP can also improve technology adoption by customers. Enterprise application software has low first-year adoption rates and leveraging a DAP can help customers overcome impediments in using the software. Integrating DAP with the organization’s knowledge base allows customers to have access to self-help materials and find answers to their questions without waiting in line with support personnel to get their issues resolved.

Benefits of Implementing a Digital Adoption Platform

DAPs promote superior user adoption by providing proactive support to solve any user challenge. DAPs help reduces the workload on support staff and ensure that their employees fully embrace technology. Digital adoption platforms deliver numerous advantages such as reduced onboarding time, lowered user resistance to new software technology, increased user satisfaction, and higher morale.

Some of the other noteworthy benefits of DAPs are

  • Decreased time to value for new customers
  • Increasing efficiency within the company
  • Assuage technology-related challenges for employees or customers
  • Enable employees to be more productive and autonomous
  • Reduce support and training costs
  • Facilitate faster adaptation of new software

Digital adoption platforms can monitor user analytics which helps to employee sticking points while using the application. Application analytics in DAP helps to understand how users are using the deployed application and identify gaps. In contrast, Walkthrough analytics helps to recognize where the users are struggling with the workflows. These insights are essential feedback to improve the DAP workflows and create additional walk-throughs or self-help articles that can augment the platform’s utility.


 Digital Adoption Platforms play a vital role in the success of Digital Transformation, which is now an essential need for organizations to thrive amidst the rapid changes in the market. DAPs have a great potential to shorten the learning curve, improve user engagement and productivity, accrue savings, and ultimately have a lasting positive impact on the organization.