Over 80% of employees who WFH during pandemic are planning to stay hybrid, says ONS

The pandemic has changed the world of business forever. Before this event occurred, most people were used to going into an office to work. However, the pandemic has shown that working remotely is a possibility. All it takes is a little trust between the employer and their employees. Now that things have calmed down, a lot of these workers have said that they would prefer to work a hybrid job both in and out of the office. Here is what you need to know.

Over 80% of employees who WFH during pandemic are planning to stay hybrid, says ONS

Why do employees want to work a hybrid job?

A hybrid job means that the employee is allowed to work both in the office and outside of the office. Essentially, your employee will be able to have more freedom when it comes to their work. Some employers take this a step further and are flexible when it comes to an employee’s working hours as well. The job is personalised to the employee. This makes it easier for the employee to have a strong work-life balance.

The pandemic has taken its toll on a lot of people all over the world. A lot of businesses have had to close, and employees may still feel nervous about returning to a full-time job within the office or workplace, especially if they live with vulnerable people. That’s why they may prefer to have a job that can allow them the freedom to stay at home and look after the people they care about.

As an employer, it’s important that you understand your employees and give them the opportunity to work a more flexible job. That way you can promote a healthy work-life balance and a more productive lifestyle.

The growth of the hybrid work style

As is stated in the title, around 80% of employees surveyed intend to remain working in a hybrid job. From April 2021, most of these employees agreed that they would prefer to use the hybridity of their job to work from their homes. By February 2022, the number of people who wanted this lifestyle jumped to 30%. Originally, around 11% of people intended to return to the office in April 2021, however this fell to 8% in February 2022.

People do have a preference when it comes to where they can work. As an employer, the best thing you can do is provide your employees with the freedom to decide for themselves what work pattern would suit them best. That way you can increase productivity and encourage your employees to look after themselves.

How can you help WFH employees who want to work a hybrid job?

 The most important thing about hiring people who work either a hybrid or remote job is communication. Make sure you have a number of tools at your disposal to keep them in contact with you. That way you can encourage collaboration. This includes a VPN or communication tools, such as a business mobile powering Microsoft Teams Telephony and unified communications. You should also decide on how many days out of the month you would like them to come into the office for meetings and catch-ups.

With all these things in mind, you will no doubt be able to better support your employees that choose to work from home, or as part of a hybrid office model.