When to Venture Out When Growing Your Weed-Seeds

It’s going to seem strange to future generations, but most people today remember a time when possessing, using, and especially growing, weed were all considered serious crimes. Although the federal government still lists marijuana as a Schedule I substance, over half of US states have legalized some form of cannabis use, whether recreational or medical.

When to Venture Out When Growing Your Weed-Seeds

One happy result of the changing laws and public attitudes surrounding cannabis is that more people than ever are growing their own weed at home. Once these home growers get the basics down, many go on to venture out into commercial marijuana cultivation. Read on to find out when and how to take the plunge.

Signs It’s Time to Consider Commercial Cultivation

It’s not uncommon for someone to try to grow marijuana and realize that it takes too much time, space, or resources to be practical. When that’s the case, other, more serious horticulturalists must step in to provide high-quality bud through dispensaries, co-ops, or caregiver networks. There are a few signs it’s time to consider making the jump into commercial cultivation, and they can include:

  • The development of a serious love for cannabis cultivation.

Spending more time in the garden or grow room than at work or participating in other hobbies.

Wanting to start a business but not knowing which direction to go in.

Constantly having friends or others ask for growing tips or help.

Needing a source of extra income and having a source of startup capital.

It takes some extra work to make the move from being a hobbyist home grower to a serious cannabis entrepreneur. Most states make it hard to start new marijuana businesses and require expensive licenses, insurance, and inspections. That said, there are still plenty of opportunities for determined individuals to start their own cannabusinesses.

Advice From the Experts

Seasoned home growers may be experts at marijuana cultivation, but few are familiar with the business world. Instead of just jumping in head-first, take some advice from more seasoned cannabusiness professionals as described below.

Find a Niche

It’s common for people to assume that the best way to make big bucks is to open a dispensary. In fact, most states require not just complicated licensing procedures but also proof of access to large amounts of cash as a result of the difficulties associated with getting loans in this field. Instead of going this route, try finding a niche such as baking unique edibles, opening cannabis-themed bed and breakfasts, or creating cannabis products for local medical marijuana patients.

Know the Audience

These days, there is no stereotypical stoner. People of all ages from all demographics use marijuana, which means one of the first steps aspiring entrepreneurs should take after coming up with a business plan is to research target audiences.

Follow the Rules

There are a lot of rules and regulations surrounding commercial cannabis cultivation. Failing to play by those rules can lead to large fines or even jail time. The best way to avoid unexpected legal troubles is to hire a lawyer, but checking the local laws regarding marijuana licensing, permitting, and planning is a good start.

Keep Growing in the Meantime

It takes some serious work to open a commercial cannabusiness. That said, there’s no reason home growers who are willing to put in the legwork can’t venture out into commercial cultivation. In the meantime, keep planting seeds, growing plants, and honing skills until the time is right to take the plunge.