Top 6 Cybersecurity Predictions for 2022

The cybersecurity landscape is always changing, and experts constantly predict the next big threat. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at six cybersecurity predictions for 2022. In addition, cybersecurity data breaches climbed up to 36% in 2021. These predictions will help you stay ahead of the curve and protect your business from potential attacks. Stay safe out there!

Top 6 Cybersecurity Predictions for 2022

In 2022, web attacks will be powerful enough to cause severe damage.

This article examines the top six cyber security predictions for 2022 and why they are important for businesses.

1) Cybersecurity Will Become a Top Priority – Similar to businesses investing more into cybersecurity, governments will also begin taking cyber security far more seriously as hackers continue targeting high-profile organizations such as banks and financial institutions. SecureLink specifies that the CJIS Security Policy includes procedures for how information is handled in the government sector and what should be in user agreements. Companies and agencies that use criminal justice information must include specific processes and parameters in their information exchange agreements in order to avoid data breaches. As per research, almost 67% of small businesses experienced cyber-attacks last year. Private companies and political leaders must work together to ensure that their networks remain unbreached so they can protect both their people and interests moving forward. One such measure is investing in the right SSL certification.

SSL certificates ensure that data sent over HTTPS connections remains encrypted so it cannot be intercepted by cybercriminals who often steal passwords and credit card information from unsecured networks along the route such as public Wi-Fi hotspots which can be accessed without a password in cafés, airports and other places where people may use open networks to browse online.

If you own an ecommerce website, we recommend buying a wildcard SSL certificate. Read on to know why.

A wildcard SSL certificate secures unlimited level-one subdomains under the chosen main domain. In other words, it will secure any first-level subdomain where the owner has control of the parent domain. For example, suppose a business owns In that case, they could use an SSL certificate with * to secure connections from or, etc.

For instance, a user accessing their email on will see a green bar stating that this site is secure. Their activity on the website has been protected by an SSL certificate issued for *, which secures any subdomains such as under it, allowing them to safely transmit sensitive information like passwords or credit card data without fear of interception at unsecured points en routes such as Wi-Fi hotspots or other open networks along the way.

2) Cyber Attackers Will Hit Financial Institutions Between the Eyes – A recent example of an attack on financial institutions includes hackers pressuring staff at the Bangladesh Central Bank into transferring approximately $80 million to fraudulent accounts. It’s no secret top-tier banks have massive security budgets designed to thwart hackers from stealing critical data; however, this doesn’t mean all is lost, as it only takes one weak link between the bank and its customers to become compromised.

3) Data Breaches Will Result in More Serious Damage – As cybersecurity becomes increasingly sophisticated, the results of a data breach will become far more serious. Hackers are constantly looking for ways to exploit weaknesses in organizational IT infrastructures that can be used to steal potentially damaging information. In 2022, cybercriminals will leverage these attacks into causing widespread disruption and destruction.

4) AI Threats Will Expand – Hackers are always innovating new ways to compromise systems and steal data. As a result, there has been a noticeable shift towards Artificial Intelligence (AI) malware that can autonomously learn how to evade cybersecurity protections – much like the way you or I could quickly figure out how to avoid being detected by video surveillance. This presents a challenge for cybersecurity experts who must rapidly develop countermeasures capable of detecting and defending against such attacks.

5) The Battle Between Hackers and Security Practitioners Will Intensify – Blockchain technology has been hailed as a near feat that’s all but impossible to hack. However, as more people adopt technologies such as cryptocurrency, security experts will become increasingly sophisticated in their techniques to protect these platforms from hackers. In 2022, the battle between hackers and security professionals will reach a fever pitch as both sides step up their efforts to outdo the other.

6) Web-based Attacks Will Cause Serious Damage – Almost 9.9 billion malware attacks were executed in 2020. So, it is essential to take off your websites. New technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchains, and the Internet of Things (IoT) will allow hackers to inflict more serious damage through web-based attacks. As a result, many devices will become weaponized as hackers exploit technical vulnerabilities in the IoT. In short: internet-connected things = bad news.

Use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs):

The use of virtual private networks (VPNs) has become more popular than ever for protecting online data, such as credit card information and passwords, from hackers.

A virtual private network (VPN) creates a secure connection between two or more devices by creating a tunneling program that encrypts the users’ internet activities before leaving their device through a service provider’s server. A VPN allows remote access to private networks across public networks like the internet, compromising security. However, using a VPN provides a critical first line of defense from hackers and other cyber attacks, which has become increasingly popular for protecting online data.


Cybersecurity is a growing concern in the world of digital marketing and one that will only continue to grow as time goes on. It’s hard to say what cybersecurity challenges we might face in 2022. Still, it’s important for marketers today to be aware of where security could go next so they can plan accordingly. If you work with an agency like ours, we can help you stay ahead of these trends by working together and incorporating new ideas into your current strategy along the way. Have any predictions about how cyber threats may evolve? Let us know!