What Is a Customised Native Video Player?

Native video players have become the latest craze among mobile device users. They provide the perfect way to view and enjoy your videos on the go. Many users who use mobile devices are quite impressed with the convenience that a mobile player provides.

What Is a Customised Native Video Player

It is a very flexible gadget that is capable of transforming your ordinary video files into crystal clear videos so that they can be enjoyed at any point in time. However, it is also an important consideration that not all players are of the same quality. Let us try to know some tips for a customisable native video player.

The video player should be able to compress a video file to make it smaller

One of the most important features is its ability to compress the video file to make it smaller. This reduces the bandwidth requirements and makes the player portable. The bandwidth usage largely depends on the quality of the compression algorithm used by the player. Most of the leading players have integrated the apt compression algorithms.

The player should be compatible with all types of operating systems

Another feature of a customisable player is its high level of compatibility with the wide range of devices from a variety of manufacturers. It should be able to run seamlessly on the majority of the common operating systems like Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and many others. It should also be compatible with the majority of the popular browsers available in the market, including Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Android phones, and many more. This ensures seamless usage.

Most of the Native video players available in the market today are available for free download. The native video players who are widely used are Portable Video Players (PVPA). They are capable of running on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. You can also watch your videos directly from your browser using a Flash player. Most of the proprietary players are based on Windows Media Player technology, which provides a simple and easy to use interface. Advanced users may find it complicated to operate.

Customisable video players are exactly what it is: customisable

You might also wonder what is a customisable native video player? The answer is its wide array of features, which would make your job easier. For example, some of the customised players would allow you to watch multiple videos at once. Other advanced features would include thumbnail viewing, title creation, and downloading. Advanced users would probably find it complicated to view and navigate the information, but once they get familiar with the interface, it would certainly be easy for them to utilise.

Customisable native video players allow you to view videos from their thumbnails

What is a customisable native video player? As mentioned, a certain player would allow you to watch multiple videos at once. An additional advanced feature would be the thumbnail viewing function, which allows you to choose and preview different thumbnails for each video. Other advanced functions include creating a cover picture, which could be done by right-clicking the player’s icon and selecting “Cover”. In this way, you can change the look and feel of your media player anytime you want.

Customisable players are worth more than a traditional one, but future upgrades cost you less

What is a customisable player? In terms of its price, it would certainly cost you a bit more than an ordinary player. The good news is that you would be able to avail of upgrades after purchasing the first one. After all, in every product, there are good and bad; just keep in mind that when using media players such as these, you should always take extra caution because some of them tend to break easily. Make sure to click here to learn more about customisable native video players.

With a plethora of new products being introduced into the market every day, there is no doubt that these products are among the most complex ones out there. In order to make them even more functional, manufacturers often integrate new technology and features. What is a customisable native video player? This may be a question that you would ask, but once you find out all about this new player, you will surely know what it is.