Home technology 9 Features To Add To Your Website In 2022 For More Conversions

9 Features To Add To Your Website In 2022 For More Conversions

Oh, there is a lot that you have to work on, especially on your official website. It is not only about the search engine optimization tools that you use or the high-definition pictures that will be talked about later in this blog.

It is about a lot of elements including navigation, social media buttons, call to action, and competitor analysis as well. Yes, even that feature should be on your website if you are looking for better conversions. But let’s not overwhelm you with all these details so quickly. Let’s go at it one by one:

  1. High Definition Pictures

High-definition pictures are a must for your website. If you want to give your customers a clearer view of your offerings, you will have to move beyond stock images. Invest in personalized professional photography for your products. Make sure to upload at least 5 perspectives or angles for each one of your offerings.

  1. Butter Smooth Navigation

The navigation across your website is going to cast a long-term impression on your customers. You don’t want your users to get frustrated with all those menus, transactions, and animations. It is only going to slow down your website. Your customer is looking for a fast web page that allows them a fantastic experience. Going from one page to the next should be very easy. Divide your entire website into categories and services or as you deem suitable.

  1. Clearly Visible Social Media Buttons

Your social media buttons should be clearly accessible and visible. Make them 3D if you want. That will help you grab the attention of your users more easily. Moreover, make sure that the transition from your webpage to social media websites is buttery smooth.

  1. Call To Action Is Critical

How can you make the call-to-action button attractive? This is where all the action happens, literally. A few examples that you can include on your website are as follows:

  • Form submissions 

  • Inquiry buttons 

  • Read more buttons 

  • Download form buttons 

  • Social media sharing 

  • Lead generation 

  • Take a test 

  • Take a survey

Call-to-action buttons are a great way to initiate interaction with your customers. Even if they do not make a purchase with you, it is a great way to connect with them and nurture your leads so that they get converted into loyal customers sooner than later.

  1. A Great Content Layout

A great content layout is very critical for the success of your company. Your website should have all the content including your articles, blogs, ebooks, studies, and research laid out in not a contemporary but an attractive fashion. Ask your backend development company to come up with a framework that allows you to place high-definition pictures, 3D elements, and interactive videos, among your SEO-rich content seamlessly. Strong content and an even stronger layout are what attract your users and also enhance the readability of your content. All this translates into higher Google rankings and faster conversions for your website.

  1. Let’s Have Some White Space

Do you know how important it is to have wide and white space on your webpage? Extremely! This is a design trend that started in 2020 and has continued till now. SEO experts and digital marketers believe that white space does not only make your website appear more aesthetic but also enhances the readability of your content. Every image or video that you put pops out a little more. The content is not overwhelming but inviting. White spaces are a great way to enhance the experience of your visitors significantly.

  1. Reviews And Testimonials

Is it going to cost you too much to create a “reviews and testimonials” page? In fact, it is going to build trust among your audience for your brand. If you have a dedicated testimonial page with all your pictures, uploads from your customers, video testimonials, Facebook reactions, and Instagram reels, it is only going to strengthen your brand image. This is a fantastic move for your conversions.

  1. Simpler Menus

Your menus should be very simple. They should not have any sub menus or subcategories at all. You must divide and categorize all of your services and offerings neatly on the top of your web page. Simple menus enable faster navigation. This means that your customers will be coming back to you for more and more. Remember to use impressive colors. Go for a realistic yet a little bold contrast ratio. This is going to boost your aesthetics and lower your bounce rate as well.

  1. Speed Is God

In the end, you must remember that the speed of your website is what makes it click with your customers. Around 47% of your users are likely to shift to your competitors if your website doesn’t load within 3 seconds or less. So yes, these were a few features that you should add to your website in 2022 for faster and more conversions.

Author bio: Samantha has been working as a content writer at Submitcore for four years. With her exceptional research skills and web writing experience, she aims at educating her audience on Technology and business. Jones takes a deep interest in learning new market trends and using them to upgrade her write-ups.

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