Home business 5 Go-to Tips for Quality Article Writing: Practice Makes Perfect

5 Go-to Tips for Quality Article Writing: Practice Makes Perfect

Some may say it’s a talent, but Skillhub teams know for sure that good writing is a skill. Anyone with enough interest and dedication can hone this skill. Every type of writing has its peculiarities, and a person must train in it if they aim at professionalism. One of the most popular writing formats for many audiences is an article. Hence, it is a go-to practice for writers, as it is an extremely popular format in both web- and printed media.

5 Go-to Tips for Quality Article Writing: Practice Makes Perfect
Image source: Pexels.com

So, what are the key features of a well-written article?

  • Usually, an article is long enough to cover a specific topic but not too long so the reader can finish it in one session.
  • A good article shows the expertise of the writer in the covered topic.
  • Despite the necessary expertise, an article must be understandable to broad audiences.
  • Usually, articles consist of thematic blocks so that it is easy for the readers to navigate the piece’s contents.
  • Visual elements. Sometimes, an article needs an illustration or an infographic to make its contents more understandable to the reader.

See the below tips to master your writing just like article writing experts do. Don’t forget to keep these in mind while working on your own professional improvement.

Skillhub-tested tips for better article writing

The following tips are usual practices for Skillhub writers. Employing these tips will give you more confidence if you are a beginner expert. However, if you are already a writer, use these to improve or maintain the quality of your work. There is no other way to write well but practice it.

#1 Take time for research

As the main goal of an article is informativity, the writer needs to make sure they are proficient enough in the topic they are about to cover. For that reason, the lion’s share of the time one needs to write a thoughtful article goes to the research. Find the sources and check if they are reliable enough. If you don’t know how to spot one, here are the criteria it must fit:

  • It must have an author who you can find on the internet. Ideally, the author’s field of work must relate to the topic they cover.
  • It must be published by a reputable source.
  • If it is an academic source, it must be peer-reviewed.
  • The source must be no more than five years old.

Once you know your sources, you can conduct your research and start drafting your piece.

#2 Outline your article first

It is always easier to find words and stick to the point if you have the structure of an article in front of you. So, when drafting your piece, start with the main thematic blocks you think you need to cover. At the initial stage of the article writing, those can be just words, sentences, or hints—anything that can help you follow your own train of thought. Make sure that the thematic blocks you go with are in a logical order – it will help develop your argument in the best way possible.

#3 Make thoughts connect

Even though an article is easier to comprehend in blocks, it still must flow. The key secret to such flow in article writing is to use linking words. Linking words are elements that connect your thoughts on the inter-sentence level. Every person uses those to sound more logical and make more sense, even in a speech. The examples of such words are, however, nonetheless, consequently, to conclude, etc. So use them to connect your thought within a paragraph of a thematic block of your article draft.

#4 Know your audience

Naturally, if the article covers a specific topic, a particular audience will find it interesting. For that reason, you need to have an idea of the target market you write for, whether you are an in-house staff member or a remote freelancer taking on an occasional project. Knowing your audience means understanding the interests and concerns of people as well as writing in the language accessible to them. Usually, you can get this idea from a briefing with your team or while researching the topic individually. A good practice, in this case, is to imagine yourself in the reader’s shoes.

#5 Stay in shape

Image source: Pexels.com

As said earlier in this article, writing is a skill that has to be maintained. If you want to keep it on the same level, you need to keep doing it on a regular basis. If you feel tired of the same topic, try finding some challenges: either document your reflections or learn a new topic. Finally, reading well-written literature is just as important. It broadens your outlook and enriches your vocabulary. Thus, read good stuff to write good stuff.


Practicing these tips regularly will help you write clearly and objectively. Practice them in your writing, and you will not notice how they become your routine. Take your writing skills to the next level with tips from TopResume.

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