4 Apps Worth Installing on Your Computer Today

With smartphone popularity, people often forget about the benefits of installing apps on a laptop or desktop computer. Cell phones are convenient, with the ability to fit in your hand or pocket, but larger data space on a computer creates the potential for more engaging online experiences. While many only consider their laptops for professional avenues, there are opportunities to benefit from using computers for personal interests as well.

4 Apps Worth Installing on Your Computer Today

Downloading desktop applications allows you to use platforms to their fullest. Many brands have extra features only available on desktops, like advanced personalization. Desktops are also able to multitask better, making desktop apps ideal for those juggling multiple tasks. And for gamers and streamers, nothing beats having a big screen to indulge in content.

Many apps can improve your computer experience and enhance your online networking abilities. Using any of the following computer apps will help you have a more positive online experience, whether when browsing, on video calls, or in the group chat:

1. Screen Recorders

For those involved in content creation, screen recorders can be a life changer. By using the right screenshot app, professionals can create perfect images for technology documentation and marketing campaigns. Screen recorders make it easy to create tutorials of online products and experiences as well by allowing you to record video and voice. In this case, the tool saves professionals time often spent writing out detailed instructions.

Uses for this type of application go further than business cases, as it’s often helpful when communicating with peers. It’s beneficial when creating itineraries and researching events with others, as you just need a quick screenshot to share your ideas. Of course, everyone loves the non-serious use cases as well. Screenshotting a funny picture or meme is sure to cause some laughs in the group chat.

2. Security Software

When you’re spending a lot of time online, you can’t go wrong investing in your safety. With society becoming more digital, your online data is more at risk. Security programs are key when you want to protect your data and identity online. These applications work behind the scenes to prevent pop-ups, viruses, malware, and other invasive technologies. They will also help you screen website security during browsing sessions so you never land on an unsafe page.

Online identity theft sounds scary, like your life is at risk, but it could be as simple as stealing your credit card information or phone number. Victims of spam calls have most likely already experienced online data theft because spammers get your personal information. Security programs will keep your data safe by preventing websites from saving your data without consent.

3. Gaming Apps

Apps like Steam and Twitch may not seem to be in everyone’s wheelhouse, but in reality, these tools are packed with resources that suit more than the average gaming audience. Steam is best known for its gaming capabilities, as it has a wide array of games available for users to safely download and play. However, it’s not just for gamers, as you can download a variety of platform types from the app. Graphic design and video editing programs, for example, are easily found on this platform.

Twitch is a livestream service that has become very popular among gamers. Its video capabilities allow influencers to stream high-definition video games for an optimal viewing environment. With live streams hosted in a variety of other genres, even non-gamers can benefit from this platform. Downloading the app will optimize the video speed and put less strain on your computer when watching for hours at a time.

4. Video Call Platforms

The growth of remote work has heavily influenced the popularity of video calls and conferences. It’s no surprise that platforms like Zoom and Microsoft Teams have thrived in recent years. What’s key to note about video platforms, is that downloading the app often makes the video call experience more seamless. When using a browser, you are depending on the browser speed for the success of your call. Using a brand’s application will enhance your experience and guarantee videos with less buffer time.

Apps like Discord, for instance, can be very powerful with in-app usage. The platform has advanced chat and video features that other mainstream communication platforms struggle to match. In the computer app, you can share your online status with others and multitask between other running programs more easily. For most video apps, using the browser version limits your experience as well, only allowing you to make temporary changes to video settings. Apps allow all users to make advanced changes to fine-tune the experience to their liking.

Improve your Online Experiences

With most of these applications being free, it’s worth giving them a test drive. Even the paid applications have trials that will allow you to try out the program before subscribing. If you find yourself doing a lot of multitasking, gaming, and creative work on your phone because of your favorite apps, install those apps on your computer. With safer browsing, better creative tools, and higher video quality, you are sure to see improvements on the bigger screen. Whether for personal or professional use, desktop applications can enhance your online experience.